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Insight: Sick-to-Work

Product Design


Working in the Netherlands

After expanding into the Netherlands, RiseSmart was asked to build a feature to support the Sick-To-Work initiative. In the Netherlands it is illegal for employers to layoff employees that are on sick leave. If due to the nature of their illness they are unable to continue at their current job their employer must help them search for a new job (for 2 years) during which they pay a percentage of their salary. Afterwards, the former employee is able to apply for further help from the government. My job was to design the employer's experience in supporting this initiative.


Jeff Lim

Morgan H. (PM)

Vandana V. (PM)

R V. (Netherlands PM)


1 month


Sketch / Figma




Following the Rules

& Regulations

The Sick-To-Work (S2W) initiative was very complicated because it required meticulous documentation and action from all three parties; Employee (Participant), employer (HR Manager) and RiseSmart (coach). The point of this was to provide irrefutable evidence that both the employer, and employee did everything they could in finding a new job within the 2 years before the government starts providing help. I was in charge of providing the HR Manager's experience of the initiative through our analytics platform Insight. 

Program Overview Timeline.png

Looking at the

Big Picture

From a high level, the coach provides a Plan of Action for the employee to follow in order to best search for his/her next job. The employee needs to acknowledge and approve that plan of action on Spotlight (Employee facing product) which the HR manager looks over and approves on Insight. I was tasked with designing the approval flow along with a history log as proof of the participant's effort in executing the Plan of Action he/she agreed to.

S2W_User Icon.png

The users are HR Managers who wants to make sure that everything is done in order to help their employees transition into another career opportunity. 

Journey Map Diagram.png

Initial Wireframes

Since our SMEs were in the Netherlands and the Sick-To-Work initiative covered all three of our product, I didn't get access to their knowledge until after a week into the project. Typically, I like to do all my research and data collection before starting designs, but with such a short timeline I decided to move forward with designing some wireframes based on some assumptions (I would late confirm/invalidate during my interview with the SMEs). I prepared three separate wireframes and presented them to the PMs and Engineers to get feedback and generate discussion.

What I needed to include:

  • Participant list specific to S2W (assumption)

  • Specific participant details (activities, milestones) (assumption)

  • Documents (e.g. Plan of Action, Evaluation Document, End of Program Report)

  • Participant Status (Coaching, Resume, JCR)

  • Approving Plan of Action. 

S2W_Wireframe 1.1.png

Wireframe 1:

  • Focusing on the entire group of participants

  • Right column functions like an activity feed

S2W_Design 1.2.png

Wireframe 2:

  • Focusing on individual participants with a separate list page leading into this page

  • Each item in the details section would pop up a separate modal with additional information

S2W_Wireframe 2.1.png

Wireframe 3:

  • Less likely idea presented to reflect a more modern/dynamic experience

  • 3 dynamic columns

  • Combination of 1st and 2nd wireframes

S2W_Wireframe 1.2.png

POA Approval:

  • Ability to download/view POA

  • Same approach for both wireframes

  • Focusing HR manager on one action


Involving All Parties

As part of my process, I always try to involve the team as early as possible so I can get the various perspectives. After creating the three wireframes, I presented them to the PMs and Devs in order to get input and feedback on each.

Some general feedback:

  • We can't separate out the S2W instance as a separate navigation item. Infrastructure change would not be feasible within the timeline - dev

  • Wireframe 2 might require more work as some of the specific activities don't exist within Insight - PM

  • Let's not even try wireframe 3. Changing the structure of the page isn't worth the time and effort - Dev

  • Taking into account languages, wireframe 3 wouldn't be as smooth in Dutch. 

We decided on wireframe 2 and I went ahead and created a simple prototype to share with our stakeholders.


Competitive Analysis and Design Feedback

This was one of two opportunities I had with the SME so even though I had designs to share I wanted to make sure validate some of the assumptions and ask the basic questions. I started off by asking about the current system they were using and transitioned into asking about pain points.

Based on the discussion I learned...

  • Purpose - To get in-depth knowledge of participants and their status', provide info about what "we've" done and what the participants are doing themselves, build a file of participant progress

  • Currently using Synergy System

  • Pain points of current process - Too complicated, not an overview, can't download reports

We also got a brief look at the system they were currently using (Synergy System). I mocked up a translated version of it due the information being sensitive and in Dutch. 

Synergy Participant List.png

Participant List:

  • Only very basic info

  • All details of participant activity found in the Plan of Action view

  • Details include: Number of jobs sent, number of interviews, etc.

Synergy Dashboard.png


  • Only shows which stages of the program all the participants are in (status)


Simplifying the Details

Based on the competitive analysis and the feedback it seemed like I had the right approach. I made slight changes to the design to focus the HR manager's attention on the activity details and sent over the wireframes to our stakeholder to share to her team. 

S2W_Design 1.1.png

Participant List:

  • Added S2W to existing participant list

  • Marking S2W participants to distinguish

S2W_Design 1.2.png

Individual Participant:

  • Simplified to single column

S2W_Design 1.3.png

Plan of Action:

  • Same approach


Last Minute Changes

After talking with dev leads and socializing the designs, there were some concerns over the development time required for the activity details. It turned out not all the details were information we collected (Basically new back-end plumbing required). So I revisited the designs and reached out to our SME to inquire about what was actually important about the activity report for HR managers to view online (The system would generate the activity details in the downloadable report - separate feature). We concluded that the importance was on showing the number of activities done and not the actual details so I adjusted my designs.

S2W Portfolio Asset Final.png

A Lot Left to Do

The designs were well received by the stakeholders in the Netherlands and a small portion of the Sick-To-Work initiative complete. Unfortunately the success of the designs can only be measured after the full initiative is live. My next challenge is to design the POA approval from the participant's perspective on Spotlight web and mobile. 


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