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Resume Hero.png

Resume Critique Design

UX Design

*Designs altered for anonymity

Family Business

After becoming part of the Randstad family, a unique opportunity arose for RiseSmart to collaborate with a fellow child company We would combine the strength of our resume writing service with Monster's reach and connections to create a resume critique service. 


Jeff Lim

Vandana V. (PM)


2 Months


Sketch / Figma




Meeting the Standard

The interesting part of this initiative was that Monster already had an existing partner. My job was to create the internal workings of an automated resume critique system so that people can submit their resumes for a quick feedback in hopes of converting them into customers. This included designing for individual resume reviewers and admins in charge managing the entire process from reviewers to the queue of resumes pouring in. 


Exploratory Research

Competitive Analysis:


- The rival company we were replacing. Despite being partners, Monster had very little information on the internal working of TopResume's automated critique system. 

Resume Writer Interviews:


- Basic process of reviewing resumes consists of a checklist of do's and don't. Traditionally, resume writers would have a checklist on the right and the resume on the left going back and forth checking things off.

- Most companies use ATS to handle the sheer volume of resumes and automatically surface the resumes that have the highest match

My Goal:

  1. Provide a system for our resume critique reviewers to view and evaluate the results of the automated critique algorithm. 

  2. Create some sort of queue for our resume critique reviewers to "pick-up" and review a resume.

  3. Ability to view the status of resumes and reviewers at a high level.


Rough Designs


Resume Critique Reviewer

User - Resume Reviewer

1. Viewing the actual resumes

2. Check automated critique results

3. Timer for reviewer efficiency

4. Accounting for Resume upload error 


Resume Critique Queue

User - Resume Critique Admin

1. Link to actual critique results

2. Resume time spent in queue 

3. Status per resume

4. Assigned reviewers

Resume_Individual Table.png

Resume Critique Reviewer List

User - Resume Critique Admin

1. Average review time across reviewers

2. Total reviewed resumes per reviewer

3. Individual time per resume 


Adding the Details

Resume Critique Reviewer.png
Resume - Close Up.png
Checklist - Close Up.png
Time - Close Up.png
Error State - Close Up.png

- Being able to view the actual submitted resume

- Allowing resume writers to validate the automated results

- Timer as an indicator for the resume writer to keep track of how much they spend on per resume

- Invalidate checkbox to account for errors

Admin - Resume Critique Queue.png
Critique Number - Close Up.png
Queue - Close Up.png
Status - Close Up.png
Reviewer - Close Up.png

- This screen was for resume admins to manage all the resumes in their queue

- Each resume is tied to a unique identifier linked with a time stamp, assigned resume reviewers, status and time in queue

Admin - Resume Critique List.png
Average Time - Close Up.png
Reviewed Num - Close Up.png
Time per - Close Up.png

- This screen looks very similar to the previous one, but focuses on the reviewers

- Allows admins to evaluate their reviewers as a team and as individuals

- Helps show efficiency and effort


Showing Little Details

Tables, buttons, switches


Successful Transition

After going live with the resume critique feature, Monster cautiously started redirecting resumes from their partners to us. Eventually they sent us 100% of their resume traffic and we succeeded in replacing the partner company.


  1. This project was so successful we are taking our partnership even further and are in the works of being able to offer other RiseSmart services on their website. 

  2. After this project I would go on to create a workflow feature in relation to this project for managing A/B testing targeted campaigning (emails, feedback styles, etc.). 


Building Upon Success

Here is a sneak peak into our A/B testing framework that stemmed from this project. Creating and allocating a percentage of our new workflows to various customers which include personalized emails, reformatted UI for critiques and more.

Workflow create.png
Workflow Sample.png


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